Live Review - Kiss My Acid
June 10, 2017Kiss My Acid, Black Dog Anthem and The Repression @ The Mulberry Tavern, Sheffield 09/06/2017
Opposite the Sheffield O2 Academy, hidden away behind a misleading little facade is the perfect little rock venue, with the friendliest staff and the coolest gig room! Look at Sheffield ticking loads of boxes- who knew!
The Rebellion
We are in Sheffield the night following the 2017 snap General Election, a night in which politics is beginning to once again enter the Punk genre, and where bands are fighting to try and take the power back. The Repression are one band that represent fight, with a clear message that despite election results there are bands who want to make a noise and share a message that “things are fucked up”. With their front-man hitting the stage in a dress, speaking of equality, this is the type of sounds you’d expect from the Sheffield Punk scene. This trio came with a really authentic sound, we’d call it almost an indie-punk, spunky loud, fast and carrying a message; performing with a confidence and gravitas that’s rarely seen in such a young band. We would definitely check these guys out again.
Black Dog Anthem
Every now and again you’ll catch a support band that’ll take you a back. Black Dog Anthem truly did that on this night. Serious whoah. With the vocalist channelling a real-life-glam-rock Banshee we were covered head to toe in goosebumps, more than once. Each song stood out from the last, the set built and built until near explosion, and then it’s mentioned this is the bands first ever gig?! Crazy, amazing. Check out Black Dog Anthem now, hoping to see these guys on many bills to come.
Kiss My Acid
Our third and final band, on a night of trios, was Kiss My Acid and they are so super cool. You just can’t take your eyes off of front woman Freda. She has a charisma that is just magnetising. Add to that the cool and solid support of the rest of the band and these guys really put on a show. Slamming out cute yet punky choons one after the other, we’ve come away listening to KMA and they are completely infectious.
Kiss My Acid are returning to this years Rebellion festival, where we first caught them, but this time heading to a bigger stage, these guys are finally getting the recognition they deserve, we plan to part of the crowd for this years show. Joining them in Blackpool from the 3rd-6th August are Bad Religion, Slaves, Skids, Sham69, Pears, Pennywise, FRANK CARTER AN THE RATTLESNAKES (goodness we love those guys!), Teenage Bottle Rocket, Louise Distras, The Ramonas and many many maaaaaany more!