Album Preview - Sleeping With Sirens
July 14, 201714/07/17 Sleeping With Sirens Release teaser track “Legends” from upcoming Album “Gossip”.
Today saw alternative heartthrobs Sleeping With Sirens release the first teaser track from highly awaited new album Gossip. As it hit iTunes this morning a million or so phones worldwide would have pinged and induced squeals of joy, as the SWS fanbase is dedicated to say the least.
Reviewing a subjective thing such as music is a really difficult job. And here at Hush we take the perspective that if we check out a band and they’re not at all our bag, we won’t review them, because as constructive as criticism can sometimes be, in the case of music it’s often just down to difference in taste and opinion. So it’s no help to anyone to negatively cover a band.
Having said that, how helpful can my review of SWS be? I’m sat here, in my Sleeping With Sirens shirt (thanks for that btw guys ;) ) next to my Kellin poster, on my PC with my Kellin background… Reviewing a band you really like is probably as dicey as covering one you don’t, because music creates a bizarre state of fan-demonium.
So girly, giggly obsessions aside, here goes…
After teasing for weeks a blast of new track Legends it was a joy to be able to listen to the track today in entirety. New music is an exciting time, but also a tumultuous one- what if it’s very different? what if it’s not different…?! The SWS guys have been perfecting their sound for some ten years now, and this time they really think they’ve cracked it, Kellin said;
” We finally captured the live experience… We have the production, but there’s a rawness that comes through. Musically, I feel like it’s the first Sirens record that sounds specifically like us. We took chances, experimented, and continued to do what we do best: create art. It’s something new. It has an authentic sound that we’ve been working towards all this time.”
This track still definitely sounds like the SWS we know and love, but they have stepped forward, in this particular song, that step seems to be forwards toward pop and away from rock. That said, it’s a catchy tune, with some real weight to it. They’ve taken some interesting choices of not adding sound in places that they could have, there’s an art to allowing silence to creep through a track, and we adore that technique, feeling it gives a song some gravitas. The track feels heartfelt and poignant, carrying the tradition SWS have on lyrics with meaning and not just words for words sake.
Missing from last album Madness and Legends, is Kellins hardcore vocals, here’s to hoping we’ve not bid farewell to those completely. It’s an interesting point that Kellin makes about their live performance, because having seen them several times, there is something in their show that is just magnetic and elated, that has always been missing from their albums, you can pick up on that a little in this track, and we’ll look out for that in the rest of the album also. Missing from last album Madness and Legends, is Kellins hardcore vocals, here’s hoping we’ve not bid farewell to those completely.
Sleeping With Sirens are Legends after-all.
Touring with RISE AGAINST and PEARS (!!!!) later this year, catch Sleeping With Sirens in a city near you!